How To Make A Damaged Baggage AirlIne Claim
23/ May

How To Make A Damaged Baggage AirlIne Claim

How To Make A Damaged Baggage Airline Claim

By Fiona Kasses

So you have just returned from your trip and the airlines have damaged your luggage, how annoying !

Here’s what you need to do.

Locate your passport, boarding pass, baggage tag and itinerary.  You’ll need these for later.

Call the airline that you were travelling with.  You will be able to locate the customer service phone number on the airlines website.  It’s normally hard to find as it’s an area that costs the airline money. If you cannot find it, go to the search area and type in “damaged baggage” or “damaged luggage” and it should appear.

Once you have found the correct page following their instructions.  They will normally ask you for details about your flight & your baggage tag number so this is where it’s handy to have this information ready.  A lot of airlines have recently changed the way they handle damaged baggage so it will differ from one airline to another. Some airlines have their own dedicated baggage service area and other airlines use a handling agent.  It differs from one airline to another.

Most airlines will allow you to make a claim against damaged luggage but you must make a claim within 24 to 72 hours of getting off the flight.  So make the claim sooner rather than later. Some budget airlines won’t allow you to make a claim as it’s in their rules of carriage when you book your flight.  Read the fine print.

The Two Different Types of Damaged Baggage Claims

Damaged Baggage Claim 1:  

This airline will allow you to make a claim.  They will then give you a file reference number and will advise you to take your bag to their contracted repairer.  The repairer has stipulated guidelines. If your bag can be repaired , then the repairer will repair it. If the bag can’t be repaired then the repairer may replace it in accordance to the said airlines guidelines.

Damaged Baggage Claim 2:

This airline will ask you to obtain a quote from a repairer for a repair or a replacement of the luggage.  The quotation will then need to be submitted to the airline. The airline will then process a claim and give the passenger a payout.  The passenger can then go back to the repairer and pay the repairer to repair the bag. If the bag had to be replaced then the passenger can choose to buy a new bag with the funds that the airline has provided.

Handy Hint !  If it’s clear that your bag cannot be repaired , it would be highly suggested that you locate the purchase receipt for your damaged luggage.  At some point during this process you will be asked for a value on the bag. Both the airline and the repairer will know that you didn’t pay $300 for the bag that you purchased from Kmart.  They do this day in and day out and know the brands and their values.

Did You Take Out Travel Insurance ?

So you have left it too late to make your claim with the airline.  All is not lost. So you booked your flight with your credit card. Does the credit card company offer automatic travel insurance when you booked your flight with them ?  Did you take out travel insurance specifically for this trip ?

Not so fast their cowboy….. Before you pick up the phone to make a claim through your travel insurance company, be prepared.  They might ask you if you have already made a claim with the airline. If you did try and make a claim and the airline said it was too late then ask the airline for it in writing to say that they won’t allow you to make a claim.

The insurance company will more than likely ask you to get a quote for the repair or replacement of the damaged luggage.  You will need to attend a repairer , get a written quote to submit this along with other relevant documents that the insurance company will request.  I suggest you hang onto your baggage tag, boarding pass and itinerary as proof.  If they do require a quotation CLICK HERE to purchase a quotation from Sydney Luggage.

Handy Hint !  I know that it’s upsetting that the airline have damaged your luggage but it’s not the end of the world.  It can either be fixed or replaced. Be nice to the person in customer service that is making your claim. Would you want to help someone that is being rude to you?

Sydney Luggage have been repairer’s of luggage for the airlines since 1952.  We provide a repair / replacement quotation service for a fee of $49.50 for the airline and travel insurance claims.  If you return to have your bag repaired the $49.50 fee comes off the price of the repair and you just pay the difference.  If your bag needs to be replaced , you can return to Sydney Luggage to buy a new suitcase over $100.00 or luggage of your choice. We will take the $49.50 fee off the price of the new bag and you just pay the difference.  CLICK HERE to purchase a luggage quote.

If you require further assistance, please call us on 02 9669-6381 and we will be happy to help.

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